Sunday, June 8, 2008

What Love!

Once upon a time in a faraway land where it is winter for much of the year, there was an orphanage where children waited for a family go come to take them home.  There were three little boys who waited five years for a family and they had become like brothers.  These little boys had to wait so long because they were considered "unadoptable", because they weren't physically perfect.  But, the little brothers loved each other.  
Then the time came when three families from America came and all three little boys went to new homes in another land.  But, they were no longer together.
Their new country was large and they were far apart now, but the new families understood how the boys loved one another and made arrangements for them stay in touch with each other.  
Then one day, one of the families got a phone call from another family saying that they were moving to the same town because of Dad's job!  And they did.  And not only that, they moved to a house just down the road, so now two friends, who loved each other like brothers, were together again.  The End.

This is a true story, and today I watched as the two boys celebrated their birthdays together at a local restaurant.  It was riveting to watch their great affection and love for one another, and to know that that love began in another place, faraway.  
But, is this not like the great love and kindness of the Lord?  That He would take orphaned children who were "unwanted" and not only give them families, but give them each other?  How great is the love of the Father, a husband to the widow and a father to the fatherless!  We will never be lost nor forsaken with such a Father as this.

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