Thursday, March 27, 2008

Non Nobis

Non nobis domine sed nominee tuo da gloriam.
"Not to us, O Lord, but to Your name be the glory."  
In the year 874 after the victorious battle of Etheldun, King Alfred led his men in "Non nobis..." the opening words of Psalm 115.  Likewise, after the battle of Agincourt in 1415, King Henry led his army in the singing of this same Psalm.  Again, in 1807, after 30 years of defeat, the gallery of the British Parliament rang out with "Non nobis...!" in praise and thanksgiving for the passage of William Wilburforce's bill to abolish slavery.  
Last Sunday, 2008, we sang this same phrase and listened to the exposition of this mighty Psalm.  Not to us, but to thy name be glory!  We are given to trusting in anything but God, but by His great grace and mercy He calls us to trust in Him; and better still, His own Spirit enables us to trust in Him.  For of ourselves, we are nothing.  In Him, the Resurrected Son, the first fruits of righteousness, we are the sons of God. Not to us, but to thy name be glory!  

The Psalmist again writes in 95:4, "In His hand are the depths of the earth; the heights of the mountains are His also."  No matter the unknown places we go, the deep and dark corners of the heart and mind, God has plumbed those depths with His light and knowledge.  We cannot go where His hand does not hold.  Likewise, when all is glorious in our life and going wonderfully well, it is good to remember that the mountain top of the moment is not due to our making, but to the greatness and goodness of God.  "Not to us, O Lord, but to thy name be glory."  

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